Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The age-old, absurd, crisis about "Eternal Hell", of the theologians and philosophers

 It does greatly amuse me that many people get stuck in moral outrage and angst about the idea of "eternal hell" and then trap themselves in speculative struggle with an idea relating to a metaphysical reality which they have intellectually abstracted in a manner that has nothing to do with the subject to begin with.

It is treated by Christian and some Muslim theologians as one of the ultimate "problems" of faith. This really shows the utter idiocy of what we Abrahamics let perpetuate under the skin. Letting poor understandings and a lack of direct experiential engagement in our traditions, send us down an Aristotelian dead-end.

I find the whole question Idiotic, when they never ask WHAT IS HELL?

These idiots who spend their time in crisis, both believers and theologians/philosophers are that dense in the head that they don't even come to correlate that both Paradise and Hell are, in some manner, theophanies of God itself. The idea of "the return" to God, the center of our beliefs and the very things which we come from and return to. Completely ignored.

One path results in divine ecstacy and the other results in the purification and refining of the soul the hard way. 

Both are encounters with Ultimate Reality, al-Haqq, (God/Allah) at it's highest direct intensity.

There is no room for speculative headscratching. No room for any moral discontent when the questioner is making up their own sophistry and trying to attack at an imaginary problem that is simply not there in the Abrahamic religions' conception of hereafter.

To think that so many believers, theologians and philosophers can't grasp the WHAT of the situation makes me wonder. To fall for it shows that they don't really know the details of their beliefs and spiritual problems they are trying to solve and that they are merely responding to prior intellectual tradition rather than actually engaging the Revelations themselves.

This all is also supported by how the Bible itself calls God "a consuming fire". 

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